It is manually applied onto interior space surfaces, such as gross concrete, cellular concrete and plaster.
It closes gaps and burrs on the applied surfaces.
Length of process period allows easy application with no loss.
It smoothes the application surface by means of its unique particle distribution. It forms an appropriate surface for plastic paint and wallpapers.
It breaths, and healthy.
Application Surface Features
Adhesion preventing materials (dust, grease, dirt, etc.) on the application surface should be cleaned. Application environmental temperature should be minimum +50 C.
Preparation of Mortar
Water is put into a clean container, and Satin Polishing Gypsum is sprayed onto water. Spray process should continue till gypsum comes over water. Wait for 2-3 minutes in order to dampen gypsum. In order to obtain a homogenous mixture mechanical agitator should be used. Mortar, obtained after mixture, is ready to use.
Prepared mortar is taken onto a steel spatula and applied to the surface via spatula. Traces, formed by spatula passes on the surface, are skived and corrected after hardening of mortar starts.