It is especially used as adherence primer before gypsum application on concrete based surfaces, such as column, curtain, wall, ceiling and etc.
It increases adhesion strength of gypsum and gypsum – lime based liquids to concrete surfaces by means of its formula with quartz sand additive.
It prevents rapid water loss of plaster and thereby formation of cracks.
It is appropriate for usage on internal spaces, and it is not advised to be used on dampened and wet surfaces.
Application Areas
It is especially used as adherence master prior to vertical and horizontal gypsum plaster (column, curtain, wall, ceiling, etc.).
Security Warnings
S2: Keep away from reach of children.
Do not store under 5 degrees
7 – 7.5 liters of water is added with continuous mixing. Mixing process continues for approx. 3 minutes. In order to maintain rougher surface texture, product might be used without thinning or thinning via low amount of water. No solvent agent or filling should be added except water.
At least 24 hours at 23 degrees and 50 % relative humidity conditions. It should be noted that drying process shall take more time under dampened and cold environments. It should be noted that environmental dust shall decrease the adhesion and it should not be waited for a long time between applications of primer and plaster applications.
It is approximately 0.25 kg/m². Definite consumption should be determined with sampling in site.