It is manually applied onto interior space materials, such as bricks, concrete, cellular concrete, gross concrete, bims block, etc.
No bacteria, mold and fungus form due to its chemical structure.
It has fire retardant feature due to water in its structure.
It absorbs voice as it has a porous structure.
Low thermal conductivity.
Gaps within gypsum plaster due to unique particle distribution absorb moisture, and balance moisture rate of the environment and maintain breathing of the material.
Length of process period allows easy application with no loss.
As post application dried surface is as bright as glass, it enables direct wallpaper or paint application.
It maintains more surface plastering than usual by means of its extra filling feature.
Water is put into a clean container, Aygips Satin Polishing Gypsum application decreases paint consumption as well as fills the gaps and thereby also forms a smooth primary surface for paint and wallpaper applications. If ceramic tiles or a secondary plaster shall be applied onto the plaster, surface should not be polished with felted spatula or any other means, and on the contrary, it should be smoothed via back of the spatula. Ceiling surface plaster applications should be undertaken as a thin and single layer.
Water is put into a clean container, Aygips Satin Polishing Gypsum application decreases paint consumption as well as fills the gaps and thereby also forms a smooth primary surface for paint and wallpaper applications. If ceramic tiles or a secondary plaster shall be applied onto the plaster, surface should not be polished with felted spatula or any other means, and on the contrary, it should be smoothed via back of the spatula. Ceiling surface plaster applications should be undertaken as a thin and single layer.